Laurent Taskin, author emeritus, also shared his innovative vision of human management through his book 'Management Humain'. A must-read for rethinking professional dynamics and adopting a more humane, inclusive approach to management."
This approach is based on three fundamental pillars:
A Renewed Vision of the Human Being: Considering the human being as reflexive, this vision implies his participation in the definition of collective norms, thus evaluating his actions and those of a working community. This embodies a collective search for confidence in these standards, in others and in ourselves.
Recognition and Re-Humanization of Work: Placing at the heart of its objectives the valorization and restoration of the human aspect at the heart of work.
A Holistic Approach to Real Work: By focusing on objective, collective and subjective work, this approach enables a more complete understanding of the dynamics within organizations.
Laurent Taskin will illustrate his presentation with numerous concrete examples from companies, the result of his direct involvement in the field.
We warmly invite you to this conference, which is open to all. Come and take part in this enriching reflection on the future of management.