Entrepreneurship Work Group



What isthe Pôle Entrepreneuriat ?

The IGR Alumni Entrepreneurship Pole provides support for entrepreneurial activities and for students with projects at IGR-IAE .

Benevolence, advice, sharing networks and experiences are the watchwords!

We have two objectives:

  • Organize meetings between experts and entrepreneurs, through themed conferences and workshops .
  • providetechnical support to entrepreneurs, drawing on the wealth of experience of our network of graduates

Throughout the year, entrepreneurial events are organized at IGR-IAE. By joining our cluster, you'll be able to take part in these events as a coach and jury. It's anopportunity to meet students motivated by entrepreneurship and to give them your best advice to help them succeed!

You can choose your role:

  • Leader: your role will be to bring the working group to life, by proposing actions or helping to organize events with the IGR-IAE. You will be in contact with the Entrepreneurship and Innovation department, with whom you will interact.

  • Participant: you'll be notified when an event is taking place so that you can take part, or if students with projects need your knowledge, skills or network .

Joining the Pôle Entrepreneuriat means taking part in IGRien life by getting involved in events, helping students with their projects and following them throughout their entrepreneurial adventure

Our current activities

On June 28, members of the Pôle Entrepreneuriat are invited to take part as judges in the final examinations for the D2E (Diplôme d'étudiant entrepreneur) diploma at IGR-IAE Rennes.
> More information coming soon.

Our projects

See you in September !


Display map with group members