
Is your profile up to date?

11 July 2024 IGR Alumni
Viewed 549 times

Take advantage of the summer to update your profile in the IGR-IAE Rennes alumni directory: it'seasy* and essential!

In just a few clicks, access your personal space and update your personal and professional details: this will enable you to receive targeted invitations to IGR Alumni events organized by our "Territoires " inparticular (workshops, afterworks, company visits, etc.) and also those of IGR-IAE Rennes: conferences, forums, JSEs, etc.

You'll stay in touch and connected to the network, linked to the company or organization where you're currently working - you can even keep a record of the positions you've held.
And if you're not currently working, you can simply change your status...

Synchronization with your LinkedIn profile allows you to import your data.

Why complete your profile in the IGR Alumni directory?

1. Strengthen your professional network:

Updating your profile in the alumni directory allows you to stay connected with your former colleagues and expand your professional network . A strong network is essential for advancing your career, discovering new opportunities and benefiting from valuable advice.

You make it easy to connect with former classmates, potential mentors and collaborators in your field of expertise. Networking with other graduates can not only help you find new professional opportunities, but also share ideas, get advice and benefit from the support of an engaged community.

2. Participate in events and activities:
An up-to-date profile ensures you receive the latest information and invitations to events organized by the alumni association. These include conferences, professional development workshops, networking events and reunions.

These events are excellent opportunities to continue to develop and expand your professional circle.

3. Access career opportunities:
By having an up-to-date profile, you increase your chances of being spotted for interesting professional opportunities, internships or collaborations.

4. Share and receive relevant information:
A complete and up-to-date profile facilitates the exchange of relevant information between alumni. You can share news, articles, research and experiences that may benefit other members of the community.

What's more, you can also access content shared by other alumni that could enrich your own career path. By sharing your achievements and recent experiences, you inspire and motivate future generations of graduates.

5. Contribute to the development of your school:
By keeping your profile up to date, you help your school keep track of its graduates.

It also helpsimprove the educational programs and services offered to future students, ensuring the reputation and quality of your degree. You contribute to the dynamism and vitality of your school's alumni network .

Updating your profile in the alumni directory benefits not only you individually, but also the dynamism and strength of the entire alumni community.

So don't wait any longer - log in and update your information today!

What's more, at the start of the 2024 academic year, IGR-IAE Rennes will be setting up a sponsorship system for Master 2 students, for which we'll need professionals in the management professions to devote a few hours to meeting and supporting current students.

And for this, of course, we're counting on our alumni, because who better to support students than graduates of the same school who are familiar with the issues involved in these professions?

This is in addition to the existing " Parcours Travail & Carrière " program, during which students are invited to interview professionals who can answer their questions about their professions and help them build (or refine) their career plans.

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