We want alumni and students to be able to meet and exchange views on life paths, which is why we are organizing a conference on March 4, at IGR-IAE Rennes*.
On the agenda - Alumni Conference - 6pm
Geneviève VAIDIE : after several years' experience in project management, she's now moving into the medical-social sector.
Tom BRAHIMI: it's a short step from private sector finance to public sector finance.
Catline SAINT-LOUIS : Personal life is also important, but that doesn't mean you can't work in an association!
Pauline LE GRAET: How did an optician become a digital marketing pro?
Victor COROLLER: between marketing and the Olympics, he chooses both!
- Afterwork - La Louperie* - 8.30pm 99 Rue Jean Guéhenno, 35000 Rennes
Low prices until Saturday 8pm! - Member : 20€ ▶️ 10€ - Non-member : 25€ ▶️ 15€ To take advantage of this special offer, hurry and get your ticket with the code AGORAPROMO.
Why come? - Support a young association, which has given its all to create a great event! - Meet the students, and share your journey with them! #afterwork - Answer your own questions: - Looking for a career change? Come and discover the career paths of Geneviève, Tom and Pauline! - Are you an athlete? Come and listen to Victor! - Looking for a break? Ask Catline and Geneviève for advice! - Want to discover the world of associations? Catline, IGR Alumni and IGR AGORA are here to help! Can you only attend the afterwork? No problem! Our members will welcome you directly at the Bar la Louperie from 8.30pm! We look forward to seeing you!