Events calendar

JSE 2021
For its 6th edition, the Journée Simulation Entrepreneuriat is reinventing itself: a Thursday evening and 100% online.
The JSE will take place on Thursday January 28, starting at 6.30pm.
The principle remains the same: juries made up of alumni advise student or graduate entrepreneurs.
- The aim: to evaluate your project in real-life conditions and test yourself against seasoned professionals.
- Timing: 30 min per project (10 min presentation and 20 min discussion).
- The key word: benevolence !
At the moment, we're particularly looking for project leaders, graduates or student entrepreneurs: whatever the stage of your project, you're welcome!
If you have people in your circle who are potentially interested in coming to test their project or pitch and would like to benefit from some advice, don't hesitate to offer them the opportunity to take part in this meeting, as there are still slots available.
Limited number of places for both juries and project sponsors
CASE N° 1 :
Do you have a business start-up or takeover project
and would like to test your pitch in front of a friendly panel of judges?
Register by completing the form below
🔽 "project owner" 🔽
[a member of the Entrepreneurship Commission will contact you
to confirm the details of your contribution].
CASE N° 2 :
Would you like to take part as a JURY,
with other alumni and professionals?
[registration closed]
What's planned :
- 6:30 p.m.: Jury reception
- 6:45pm: Start of presentations (30 minutes per project)
- 8:45pm: End of discussions
In addition to existing projects, IGR Alumni, through its Entrepreneurship Commission, IGR Entreprendre and IGR-IAE Rennes are currently looking into entrepreneurship.
If you're interested in this topic too, let us know your views, expectations and needs, whether you're a graduate, a student or acompany!
Aware that many organizations, schemes and initiatives already exist, but also knowing that many alumni and students are going through this experience or have been through this stage, we want to position ourselves in this rich ecosystem, and continue to lead the network on this lively and inspiring theme. s through this stage, we want to position ourselves in this rich ecosystem, and continue to animate the network on this lively and inspiring theme!
See all events
Thursday 28 January 2021
- 20:45
(GMT +1)
Online event
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