Events calendar

e-learning or distance learning

Delegation 44

Delegation 44's next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 7, 2017 at 7:30pm at 5 rue Crébillon, on the theme of " e-learning or distance learning ".

Digital learning, blended learning, social learning, mobile learning, serious games, MOOCs, SPOCs,... e-learning offers a myriad of learning modalities for learning anywhere, at any time, and on any medium (the famous ATAWAD principle: AnyTime, AnyWhere, Any Device). What are the main characteristics of these new knowledge vectors? What are the strategies used to arouse the interest and maintain the motivation of distance learners?

Claire MERCIER, who holds a postgraduate diploma (DESS) in International Management from the IGR and a Master's degree (Master 2) in e-Learning Engineering from the University of Rennes 1, will illustrate this presentation, drawing on her experience in deploying distance learning in international organizations.

Wednesday 7 June 2017
19:30 - 21:30 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 7th June
5 rue Crébillon
44000 Nantes
  • Free

Registration closed


5 rue Crébillon
44000 Nantes

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Wednesday 7 June 2017
19:30 - 21:30 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 7th June
5 rue Crébillon
44000 Nantes
  • Free

Registration closed
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