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The meaning and method of company appraisal interviews

Professional workshop

This first meeting in the "HR & Management" cycle is brought to you byHubert ROBINNE, MAE graduate from IGR-IAE Rennes.

The appraisal interview represents a major challenge for managers, employees and companies alike.

For some, it can be seen as a constraint, for others as a formality. How can we turn this management tool into a positive, "energizing" lever for both the employee and the company?

The French law "Pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel" (For the freedom to choose one's professional future), promulgated on September 06, introduces new provisions for the professional interview, applicable from January 1, 2019.

To find out everything you need to know about the meaning of the Bill and how to conduct an assessment interview, meet with Hubert ROBINNE, a graduate of IGR-IAE Rennes, on Thursday October 11 at 6:00 pm.

Thursday 11 October 2018
18:00 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 10th October
11 rue Jean Macé
35700 Rennes
  • Free

Registration closed


11 rue Jean Macé
35700 Rennes

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Room 15 (ground floor)

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Thursday 11 October 2018
18:00 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 10th October
11 rue Jean Macé
35700 Rennes
  • Free

Registration closed
  • 24 registrants
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