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    1. 17 December 2024 at 18:00
      SANDLER Masterclass: "How to get your salespeople to fill out the CRM
      Organised by SWITZERLAND

      Swiss ambassadors Tina RAKAMIA and Léa CLEMENT invite you to attend a masterclass on December 17 with Amélie Maurel, General Manager of Sandler France*.A link to the webinar will...

    2. 30 May 2024 at 19:00
      Afterwork in Geneva
      Organised by SWITZERLAND

      It's the third afterwork in just a few months: make sure you're there, this time in Geneva! Join Léa CLEMENT for this new meeting with the Swiss Delegation: the rendezvous will...

    3. 21 March 2024 at 19:00
      Afterwork in Zurich
      Organised by SWITZERLAND

      The Swiss Delegation of IGR Alumni is pleased to invite you to an afterwork in Zurich.   This event will be a relaxed opportunity for IGR-IAE Rennes alumni to meet up, exchange...

    4. 13 February 2024 at 19:00
      Afterwork in Lausanne
      Organised by SWITZERLAND

      To mark the launch of the IGR Alumni Swiss Delegation, we are pleased to invite you to an afterwork in Lausanne's Flon district. This event is a unique opportunity for IGR-IAE...